Sunday, April 5, 2015

A dream came true.

So, a co-worker the other night was upset about her single lady on 6. She was being generally nasty, complaining about her food being under done then too done, being condescending. At the end of the meal, she asked to see a manager and, "You can bring me a rice pudding."

The manager comes over, she reiterates.. I walk in on quite a scene while I'm starting my fill-ups.
The table next to her, looks like a 20-ish son and parents, are going at her.
The son is saying, "You have been treating this girl like trash all night and it makes me sick. How are you going to sit there and lie and tell the owner she didn't take care of you?"
The lady says, "Well, my waitress never came back."
He is speaking raised-voice, "That is a lie. I have been sitting here witnessing this girl deal with your ignorance. She was an angel all night and put up with you and I can't believe you can sit there and complain."
She got real meek. Her food was wrong, her waitress wasn't good, but she'll just pay and go.

Hearing the whole story - she did put up with this woman and gave her everything she could. The woman was determined to complain. If I had a chance, I would have thanked the kid for saying everything we want to say to problem customers. He even apologized for the scene and left a $20 tip for our poor girl (Problem Woman left $2- must not have felt as guilty as she looked). We were all smiling the rest of the night.


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