Thursday, April 2, 2015

Let's update our cast of characters.

Cook/Owner (CO): I've always been one of his favorites and he usually doesn't give me the normal kitchen problems. Lately, he's been a little tense and riding my ass, but at the end of the day, we good.
Owner/Hostess/Second Mom (V): The one what trained me, keeps me sane, keeps me safe. Sometimes a thorn in my side - but always for my own good.
Buddy: Recently came back. Been there as long as I have, we've always gotten along. Love her face.
Dickhead Host (DH): Oh, I could write pages. Owned and lost three restaurants. Plays favorites. Has.. weird policies and opinions.
Work Husband (WH): Another ray of sunshine, great to work with, great for reaching high things. Also known as Sajak. (I'm Vanna.)
Mary: Been there about three years. A 45-year-old man who gossips worse than a middle-schooler. Gets butthurt over dumb shit. Recently had his hours cut when Buddy came back.
Busboy: Oh my God. The older brother that teases you constantly.

Can't think of anyone else too noteworthy at the moment... You know, the usual rotating doors of a restaurant.


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