Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Who are my buddies using Blogger?

I don't really understand the 'stats.'
Is it possible to narrow down the locations? Like, are my US viewers in California, Texas, New Jersey, what?!

Also every now and then I see a totally random referring site. Today's was "Best Baby Monitors."


  1. There's stuff you can download that'll tell ya more specific. I don't have it either. As for those weird sites, the internet found something you mentioned that it thought matched something on that site, I've gotten some crazy ones. As far as traffic, I'd really like it if I got some from "On Station Two!" Cheers, ___-Joe

  2. @Joe Sixtop
    ah, for some reason you weren't on my public following feed.. thing. Fixed!

  3. You should be able to click on the state button to see what part of the US we are from.

    The baby monitor was a key search word someone typed into a search engine [like Google] and you must have mentioned one, one time on your blog. Or used the words "best" "baby" "monitor" in one post.

    I get weird searches all the time and I have an incredibly benign blog. One time I wrote about prom and my friends mentioned the word "p*rn" in the comments and boy o did I get hits off of that.

  4. @SkippyMom
    No, it won't let me! I guess Joe's right about downloading something.

    I'm going to have to start slipping in buzzwords for more traffic, lol!
