Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blondie's Sunday Night Pet Peeve #1

Okay, I caved already and decided to start a regular column. Introducing: my Sunday Pet Peeves. Maybe I'll come up with a snappier name.

Tonight: We are not freaking McDonald's.
Do not order your burger with ketchup. It is on the table, you can do it your own damn self.
Do not order your burger with mayo and ketchup. I will give you the mayo, the ketchup is on the table, and you can do it your own damn self.
Do not order your burger with pickles. We do not have sliced pickles and I will not slice them for you.
Also, the ketchup is on the table and you can do it your own damn self.


  1. No pickles? Say it ain't so!

    On a serious note, I'm really enjoying your blog ... hope you keep writing.

  2. @Bohemian Server
    haha, we have the (i'm hesitant to say this) big pickles. that come with coleslaw.
    not sandwich style.

    and thanks so much! i'm loving the writing so don't worry about me going anywhere : )
